
by Mike Shadle

Dance War: Carrie Ann Takes Steps for Women’s Health

Dance War’s Carrie Ann Inaba has been working in the performance industry for a long time now and one has to admit, keeping fit is a job requirement for people like her. Of course, there are other celebrities who take beautification way too far, but there are some benefits in working in a profession where physical fitness is a must. For those people, going to the gym is a regular thing, unlike most of us who have no time for exercise, even though we know that it is very important for one’s health and longevity.

For this cause, Carrie Ann Inaba, alongside singer-songwriter and actress Alanis Morissette, Felicity Huffman and Marcia Cross of Desperate Housewives, and country music star LeAnn Rimes, have provided autographed copies of red Carlos Santana shoes to be sold in an online auction benefiting the Red Shoe Initiative.

According to their official website, the Initiative is “pioneered by Spirit of Women, a national coalition of hospitals and healthcare facilities across the U.S. joined together to improve women’s health and wellness.”

Moreover, the Initiative’s red shoes “symbolize commitment to taking action and making healthier choices in the fight against heart attacks and stroke, the leading killers of women in America .”

Their goal is to inspire women to “take steps for health,” and thus get active through movement such as dance. The Dance War star and Dancing with the Stars judge will be joined by other celebrities such as Laila Ali and Samantha Harris have also offered up autographed shoes for the event in the past.

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Carrie Ann’s shoes are a pair of cherry red open-toed wedges, and will be up for auction at RedShoeInitiative.com. As for those who can’t afford the auctioned items, you could still get involved by purchasing the Red Shoe Initiative shirts ranging from to dollars per piece. You could also show some spirit and flaunt the Red Shoe Initiative pin, which sells for only .

For more resources about Dance War or for the full story of Dance War: Carrie Ann Takes Steps for Women’s Health please review http://www.buddytv.com

For more resources about Dance War or for the full story of Dance War: Carrie Ann Takes Steps for Women’s Health please review http://www.buddytv.com

The sing along version from this great song. Originally sung by Bette Midler (title: The Rose). LeAnn’s version can be found under the name ‘The Rose’ as well as ‘Some Say Love’.. just to make it clear as I see there is some misunderstanding about that.

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