
by Bruce Clay Australia

Stop The Insanity And Achieve Your Desires In 4 Steps


Albert Einstein has said it best: Insanity is doing the same things over and over again expecting a different result.

If you want something different, you are going to have to make a change. What are you willing to do differently in order to bring about the results that you desire?

Key Areas of Change:


Get organized! Whether it’s a Day Planner, your PDA, your Outlook Calendar, maybe Google Calendar, or just a spreadsheet that you create, get a schedule down for you. Start by putting in all of your appointments, training calls, webinars, etc… Then make sure you schedule in any lunch breaks or regular breaks that you take (always make time for a brain refresher), and dinner breaks. Don’t forget to schedule in taking your kids to school, picking them up, their school activities, and things like that too. Next you’ll want to identify the times of day that you can dedicate to your money making activities such as writing articles and distributing them; shooting, editing, and uploading videos; blogging; posting to Twitter and Facebook; placing Classified ads; tweaking your Adwords campaigns, etc… Whatever online marketing methods you do to bring money into your business, be sure to schedule a time slot to focus on those and then do those during the times that you schedule. If you do not schedule yourself, if you do not make a plan for yourself, then you will wander aimlessly and ultimately, you will get nothing done.


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Get focused! You need to be able to focus on your goals in order to be able to achieve them. There are several things you can do to keep yourself focused. One was just talked about, getting yourself on a schedule and having that schedule somewhere that you can see it or access it easily. Another way would be to have a focus board next to your desk. Somewhere to put up pictures of the things that you desire, maybe it’s that bigger house or better car, or a specific computer system you’d like to have. Maybe it’s a picture of somewhere you want to take your family on vacation. You could have your favorite quotes that help keep you focused on your objectives on there as well. Whatever pictures and phrases that will help keep you focused on your goals will work.


Get your plan of action! You have to have a plan to follow in order to achieve your desires. Those who do not plan, plan to fail… So make sure you have a plan. What is it that you are trying to achieve? Write that down. Then think of what action steps you will need to take to achieve that desire. I believe in the Law of Attraction. But just stating your desires is not good enough to bring them to you. You must have a plan of attack. What Law of Attraction can do for you, however, is after sending your desire into the Universe for it to be fulfilled, you will suddenly have an inspired idea of how to achieve that desire, and then it’s going to take work on your part to realize that dream. So planning is a great step in the right direction. The first step is recognizing what it is you want, and then finding a way for you to obtain it, and planning how you are going to obtain it is the key.

So, let’s get organized, stay focused, and then plan how you are going to achieve your goals, dreams, and desires! But let’s not forget the most important step.


Take action! If you want something, you are going to have to work for it. Don’t let anyone fool you into believing you can get something for free. There is always a cost of some sort. Whether it be time, effort, or sacrificing something now to achieve something greater later. You must take action. You must do the tasks that will move you forward in realizing your dreams. If you think you can just sit back and become a millionaire, you are wrong. You must take the needed actions now in order to fulfill that destiny. Without action, there can be no reaction. The Universe is all about cause and effects. You must put forth that energy in order to receive something in return.

Kelli Jacobson is a Networking Mompreneur. She is a Mom to a 1 1/2 year old son and has been involved in Internet Marketing now for over two years. Her specialties are blogging, social media, and free to low-cost marketing methods. If you would like to learn more about Kelli, please visit her blog at http://KelliJacobson.com. See you on the inside!