
by holaphil

With a Little Caution, you can Avoid Blunders

I’m sure this article will be of some help to those who are ensnared by the social networking web like Facebook, Twitter or Ibibo. I’m going to discuss about manners today, manners which are related to social networking.  Let’s talk about a few things that you need to be concerned of while browsing the World Wide Web.

Posting messages, photos and other details on Facebook: While being online try to be as elegant as possible, as you would off it. Don’t ever post implicating messages or notes on Facebook. It is always recommended to post status messages often short and hilarious which may unveil something about your life or any particular day which can also be forgotten without difficulty. An unpleasant status message always remains in a readers mind for an extended period of time. It is always advisable not to post anything past three in the morning. Never, ever post nude pictures or never mention anything related to your nasty break up.

Think twice before you tweet: This has become like a slogan now. Having a twitter application in your cell phone has become one of the most dangerous things. You often find it difficult to resist the temptation to tweet. We have recently heard reports of a lady who lost her job as she was tweeting about her miscarriage while attending an official meeting or about someone who continued to tweet even while her kid who was drowned, being dragged out of a pool. As I’d mentioned above never post any incriminating messages on Twitter and also don’t post anything while you are drunk. It is better to avoid twittering if you are pissed off due to anything. Wait until you get a chance to cool off. You may never know who is tracking you or following you.
Be cautious, fool: Many surfers are now using Google’s Latitude, Facebook Places or Foursquare on a frequent basis with malls to their home, their favorite restaurant or even the dark lane they just strolled down. They may even have a Tee on that which may say “I love being stalked!” Yes, it is always brilliant to be honest and blunt. But announcing the world of your very personal things is not at all brilliant, but stupid.

Choose your clashes: Okay, you can’t stand Tiger Woods/ Paris Hilton/ Lindsay Lohan/ imperfect service at an airport. Just think about one thing. How can you make a statement like, “I was tempted to whack the entire place up” when nations worldwide are all primed against it.

There is indeed a delicate thread between being witty and being an elf. So, watch your step before you tweet as these are all invented, whatever you say or post online will never be forgotten.

By: Francis David

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Francis helps people learn about Dish TV Satellite TV, and how they can save money every month with popular Dish Network Programming packages. Francis and his team also help people determine if Hughesnet is right for them.

Have questions about how to control what you share through Facebook Places? Watch this video for an explanation of its simple and powerful privacy settings, and check out the Facebook Places guide at www.facebook.com

2 Responses to “With a Little Caution, you can Avoid Blunders”

My Facebook Account was disabled without warning or giving the reason. I tried to contact facebook support but? they do not reply. Please help me restore my facebook account

October 1st, 2010


October 1st, 2010