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by BitDefenderES

The Best Antivirus Program For a Family Computer

Control Nuisance Threats – Along with all the truly dangerous threats, there are many nuisance threats like adware and spam. These usually do no real damage, but can display annoying messages or fill your email inbox with trash and inappropriate content. Some ad tracking programs even install cookies to track your movements on the web so that you can be better targeted with advertising.

Access and Privacy – Many security programs include a parental control module to control access to sites on the internet that may not be appropriate for children. This is a great feature for a family computer so you need not constantly monitor your child as they use the web. Some software goes an additional step by offering a password manager and privacy controls to help protect your private information. By securing all your secret passwords and preventing personal information like your address or phone number from being transmitted without your permission, you can better protect your children and your privacy.

Resource Management – There are times when you are doing work or playing games that require most of the available resources of your computer to operate efficiently. By carefully selecting the best antivirus program for your needs, you can choose from applications that include a game mode or other means to control the activities of your security software like scanning for threats and file optimization. This feature allows you to stay fully protected, yet delay and temporarily reduce the activities of your program so you can devote your computing resources where you want them.

Optimization – When was the last time you took time out of your schedule to defrag your hard drive, delete temp files, or optimize your registry? I thought so. Very few people do this important maintenance until there is a problem, and at that point it is often too late. Some security suites offer a full line-up of optimization utilities that run automatically in the background to keep your computer and files running efficiently at top speed.

Other Security Services – There is more to computer security than just preventing attacks from online threats. What about physical threats like fire, flood, and theft? Some packages include file backup modules and online storage so your files are automatically saved to secure remote storage. A few even offer ID protection services so you can register your social security number, bank accounts, and credit cards so the service can monitor for unusual or unauthorized use of your personal information and help to protect your identity.

As you can see, there are many options you may want to consider for your computer security. By choosing the best antivirus program for your computer, you can get the protection you need along with features that will help secure your privacy and identity from prying eyes.

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