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Contemplating a 7 Dimension Theory of Everything

Contemplating a 7 Dimension Theory of Everything

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Home Page > Self Improvement > Self Help > Contemplating a 7 Dimension Theory of Everything

Contemplating a 7 Dimension Theory of Everything

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Posted: Nov 28, 2009 |Comments: 0


Is Life just a string of random chemical reactions and biological accidents or could there possibly be a theory of everything?

Frank Wilczek who is considered one of the world’s most eminent theoretical physicists has stated, “In recent months a different, much weaker notion of what a Theory of Everything might accomplish has gained ground, largely inspired by developments in string theory. In this concept, the Theory provides a unique set of equations, but those equations that have many solutions, which are realized in different parts of the Universe. One speaks instead of a multiverse, composed of many domains (dimensions), each forming a universe in itself, each with its own distinctive laws.”

Although I believe that the Universe and/ or the Mind of God is too mysterious, complex and constantly full of surprises to be boiled down to a simple formula for mankind to know, I have humbly attempted – just for fun – to take a stab at a Seven Dimensional Theory of Everything. Considering that the basic fundamental building blocks of our Universe appear to be based on 7 Dimensions and that health and wellness can be facilitated and mental and emotional healing can be enhanced by using alternative energy therapies, I propose the following Seven Dimensions theory that has helped me to better organize the information in my world and to better manage my own life.

When did it all Begin? 

In the 17th-century, an Anglican Bishop by the name of James Ussher deduced that the first day of creation began at nightfall Sunday October 27, 4004 BC. Refinements by others further pinpointed this to 9 a.m. London time, or midnight in the Garden of Eden.  Not everyone was excited by Bishop Ussher’s proclamation that the universe had a beginning however, as most believed since Aristotle’s time that the universe had always existed. The motivation for believing in an eternal universe was the desire to avoid invoking divine intervention.  Conversely, those who believed that the universe had a beginning, used it as an argument for the existence of God, as the first cause, or prime mover of the universe.  If one believed that the universe had a beginning, the obvious question was –  “What happened before the beginning?” (Stephen Hawkins, 2007). 

The Big Bang Theory 

Identifying the exact date and time of the origin of the universe sounds quite incredible to me, but the dominant scientific theory of the origin of the universe today is the “Big Bang” theory – which specifically indicates a point in time that the universe began.   According to the Big Bang theory, the universe was created approximately 13.7 billion years ago from the random, cosmic explosion (or expansion) of a subatomic ball that hurled space, time, matter and energy in all directions. Everything – the whole universe — came from an initial speck of infinite density (also known as a “singularity”). This speck (existing outside of space and time) appeared from nowhere, for no reason, only to explode (start expanding) all of a sudden. Over a period of approximately 10 billion years, this newly created space, time, matter and energy evolved into remarkably-designed and fully-functional stars, galaxies and planets, including our earth.

In other words, everything that we see, hear, taste, touch, and smell today was created in a single micro-second by a fraction of an atom that instantaneously exploded the four known forces of nature – gravity, electromagnetism, and strong and weak nuclear forces. These forces evolved into space, time, matter and energy. This energy evolved into complex stars that eventually exploded their chemically rich guts – including the Seven most abundant chemicals in the universe: hydrogen, helium, oxygen, carbon, neon, iron and nitrogen – enriching pristine gas clouds with the chemistry of life into the galaxy – forming planetary systems (including planet earth) from the swirling elements.  

To summarize then, the atoms that construct the molecules that make up our bodies – are traceable to the crucibles that were once the centers of the high mass stars. So we are all connected to each other biologically, to the earth chemically, and to the rest of the universe atomically. We are not just in the universe. We are part of the universe. We are in the universe and the universe is in us. 

The “Big Bang” is a scientific theory, and as such stands or falls by its agreement with observations. But as a theory which addresses the origins of reality, it has always been entangled with theological and philosophical implications. In the 1920s and ’30s almost every major cosmologist preferred an eternal universe, and several complained that the beginning of time implied by the Big Bang imported religious concepts into physics; this objection was later repeated by supporters of the Steady State theory. This perception was enhanced by the fact that George Lemaitre, who put forth the Big Bang theory was a Roman Catholic priest. It is not my intention to get into a theological debate on the existence of God in this article, but to initially put forth some background information that seemingly supports a 7- Dimension theory of everything. 

Background/ Historical Information  

The following series of sevens may just be some coincidental information, but I find them to be very interesting and supportive of a 7 Dimensional theory of everything. Note: The items in each column relate to each other multi-dimensionally, but do not necessarily relate to each of the items in the rows. 

A. Evolution: The Big Bang Theory appears to have seven distinct and interrelated phases, set by Science in the following order: 
1. Cosmic Evolution. The development of space, time, matter and energy from nothing. 
2. Stellar Evolution. The development of complex stars from the chaotic first elements. 
3. Chemical Evolution. The development of all chemical elements from the original two (hydrogen & helium). 
4. Planetary Evolution. The development of planetary systems from swirling elements. 
5. Organic Evolution. The development of organic life from inorganic matter. 
6. Macro-Evolution. The development of one kind of life from a totally different kind of life. 
7. Micro-Evolution. The development of variations within the same kind of life.

B. Physics: The scientific inherent physical laws of the universe indicate that there are seven fundamental forces of nature, seven electromagnetic energies, and seven colors in the visible light spectrum – that when randomly mixed make up all colors, and when equally contained make up the white sun light.

Forces of Nature: 1. Applied Force, 2. Gravitational Force, 3. Normal Force, 4. Frictional Force, 5. Air Resistance Force, 6. Tension Force, 7. Spring Force

Electromagnetic Energies: 1. Gamma rays, 2. X-rays, 3. Ultraviolet (UV) rays, 4. Visible light rays, 5. Infrared radiation, 6. Micro-waves, 7. Radio waves.

Visible Light Spectrum: 1. Red, 2. Orange, 3. Yellow, 4. Green, 5. Blue, 6. Indigo, 7. Violet

C. International Measurement Units: The International System of Units (SI) defines Seven SI base units 
for a set of physical quantities of measure, or dimensions, that are used to measure 7 basic physical 
properties and that define all other SI units, known as SI derived units. The set of Seven SI basic units 
consists of: 1. Metre – Length, 2. Kilogram – Mass, 3. Second – Time, 4. Ampere – Electrical Current,5. Kelvin – Temperature, 6. Mole – Quantity of Substance, 7. Candela – Luminous Intensity.

D. Electromagnetic Energies: Everything in the universe (including our bodies) are made of atoms that emit electromagnetic energy in the form of auras (colors) and that have string-like substances in them that are vibrating and emitting sound waves. Their are Seven auric bodies that surround our bodies, seven basic notes in music and seven musical vibrations that make up all music:

Auric Bodies: 1. Etheric, 2. Emotional, 3. Mental, 4. Astral, 5. Etheric Template, 6. Celestial, 7. Causal

Western Music Notes: 1. c, 2. d, 3. e, 4. f, 5. g, 6. a, 7. b

Vibrations: 1. Do, 2. Re, 3. Mi, 4. Fa, 5. Sol, 6. La, 7. Ti 

E. Ancient Astronomy/ Astrology: Prior to the invention of the telescope, humans could see seven heavenly bodies (planets) with the naked eye that are traditionally called the Seven Classical Planets. They were named after the seven days of creation documented in the Judeo-Christian Bible which are our present seven day weekly schedule. The Zodiac signs are also aligned with the planets. There are Seven daughters of Atlas in the Pleiades, also called the “Seven Sister Stars.” 

Classical Planets: 1. Sun, 2. Moon, 3. Mars, 4. Mercury, 5. Jupiter, 6. Venus, 7. Saturn

Week-days: 1. Sunday, 2. Monday, 3. Tuesday, 4. Wednesday, 5. Thursday, 6. Friday, 7. Saturday

Creation Days: 1st Day – Light, 2nd Day – Sky & Water, 3rd Day – Land & Seas, 4th Day – Sun, Moon & Stars, 5th Day – Fish & Birds, 6th Day – Animals, Man & Woman, 7th Day – God Rested

Zodiac Signs: 1. Gemini/ Cancer, 2. Taurus/ Leo 3. Aries/ Virgo, 4. Pisces/ Libra, 5. Aquarius/ Scorpio, 6. Saggitarius, 7. Capricorn 

F. Geology: Ancient peoples not only studied the earth, but they also studied their Solar System and they ascribed seven corresponding metals and gem stones to each of the seven naked-eye planets.  It’s also interesting to note that our planet has seven continents, seven oceans and seven seas:

Elements: 1. Earth, 2. Water, 3. Fire, 4. Air, 5. Sound, 6. Light, 7. Thought

Metals: 1. Gold, 2. Silver, 3. Iron, 4. Mercury, 5. Tin, 6. Copper, 7. Lead

Gem Stones: 1. Ruby, 2. Pearl, 3. Yellow Topaz, 4. Emerald, 5. Sapphire, 6. Diamond, 7. Amethyst

Continents: 1. Asia, 2. Africa, 3. North America, 4. South America, 5. Antartica, 6. Europe, 7. Australia

Oceans: 1. North Pacific, 2. South Pacific, 3. North Atlantic, 4. South Atlantic, 5. Indian, 6. Southern, 7. Arctic

Seas: 1. Persian, 2. Black, 3. Caspian, 4. Red, 5. Mediterranean, 6. Adriatic, 7. Arabian

G. Sacred Geometry: Some advanced ancient civilizations taught that sacred geometry held the blueprint of creation or the genesis of all form. They believed that it explained the energy patterns that create and unify all things and that on every scale, every natural pattern of growth or movement conformed to one or more geometric shapes. For example, the Seven tangent circles of the “Flower of Life” pattern creates a hexagon shape that represents one of natures most stable forms seen in convection cells of water, the bees honey comb, and even on planet Saturn’s north pole. Others believe that sacred geometric wisdom was responsible for the advanced technology of the ancient civilizations that designed the pyramids in Egypt, China, Machu Picchu, Nubia, Bosnia, and Mesoamerica. Some believe that this advanced technology was passed down from a super-human race of aliens/ angels (gods & goddesses) that intermarried with the beautiful women of the earth to produce off-spring that were giant-like gods (prior to the Great Food of Noah’s time). These half-human, half-god-like creatures were worshipped as gods (for example: Greek mythical Gods), and that this practice evolved into the polytheistic religions such as Hinduism.

H. Ancient Religions: The Romans, Greeks, and Hindus named their Gods and Goddesses after the Seven Classical Planets and our present week days.

Roman Gods: 1. Sol, 2. Luna, 3. Mars, 4. Mercurius, 5. Jupiter, 6. Venus, 7. Saturnus

Greek Gods: 1. Helios, 2. Selene, 3. Ares, 4. Hermes, 5. Zeus, 6. Aphrodite, 7. Chronos

Hindu Gods: 1. Surya, 2. Chandra, 3. Mangal, 4. Budha, 5. Guru, 6. Sukra, 7. Shani

I. Ancient Knowledge: Paracelsus (born Phillp von Hohenheim, in Switzerland in1493) – was the Father of Alchemy (the universal science of the time that developed what were to be the disciplines of biology, medicine, chemistry, physics and astronomy as well as psychology and philosophy).  He believed that the universe’s macrocosm was represented in every person as a microcosm. According to the insights at the time, there were Seven planets in the sky, and Seven Chakras in Man that were closely interrelated with the natural and social sciences. In the 5th Century AD, Martianus Capella academically defined the seven Liberal Arts as: grammar, dialectic, rhetoric, geometry, arithmetic, astronomy, and music.

Natural Sciences: 1. Astronomy, 2. Physics, 3. Chemistry, 4. Biology, 5. Geology, 6. Ecology, 7. Meteorology

Social Sciences: 1. Anthropology, 2. History, 3. Education, 4. Sociology, 5. Economics, 6. Psychology, 7. Linguistics

Liberal Arts: 1. Grammar, 2. Rhetoric, 3. Logic, 4. Geometry, 5. Arithmetic, 6. Music, 7. Astrology

Chakras: 1. Root, 2. Sexual, 3. Solar Plexus, 4. Heart, 5. Throat, 6. Forehead, 7. Crown

J. Eastern Spirituality: The word Chakra is Sanskirt (Hindu scriptures) for wheel and signifies one of seven basic energy centers in the human body that correspond to nerve ganglia branching out from the spinal column, as well as states of consciousness, developmental stages of life, archetypal elements, body functions, colors, and much, much more. They were first written down between 1200 – 900 BC, but had been passed down orally for approximately 1000 years prior to that. During the last 2000 years countless alchemists’ in India, China, Egypt, Europe, and those involved in eastern philosophies have used this holistic knowledge as a template for transformation. There are Seven worlds in the universe, seven seas in the world and seven gurus in Hindu mythology.

Energies: 1. Physical, 2. Sexual, 3. Ego, 4. Social, 5. Creative, 6. Mental, 7. Spiritual

Consciousness: 1. Self-preservation, 2. Self-gratification, 3. Self-definition, 4. Self-acceptance, 5. Self-expression, 6. Self-reflection, 7. Self-knowledge 

K. Western Spirituality: Alchemists believed that life energy is closely related to the ‘light of the seven planets.’ They proclaimed that everything on earth emerges from the rays or energies of these planets. Like a prisma, the planets divide the divine ‘light of creation’ into seven qualities related to the seven chakras to promote inner maturity, the development of consciousness, and spiritual healing. The most famous alchemical illustration of chakras and their planetary influences was conceived by Johann Georg Gichtel (1638 0 1710). In his illustration Gichtel arranged the seven classical planets on the human body and assigned each of them to one of the seven vices or deadly sins, such as pride, stinginess and jealousy (below) to compare them with the Seven Virtues for spiritual transformation.

Sins: 1. Lust, 2. Gluttony, 3. Laziness, 4. Envy, 5. Greed, 6. Anger, 7. Pride

Virtues: 1. Purity, 2. Temperance, 3. Diligence, 4. Kindness, 5. Charity, 6. Patience, 7. Humility 

L. World Religions: According to David Barrett et al, editors of the “World Christian Encyclopedia: A 
comparative survey of churches and religions – AD 30 to 2200,” there are 19 major world religions. In the year 2000, eight of these major religions had approximately 80% of the world’s population adhering to their beliefs. Agnostics and atheists account for approximately 19% of the world’s population and the rest of the world’s religions including Judaism make up the last 1%.

Most of the worlds’ religions do not fit neatly into little boxes, however, if we count the atheist and agnostic groups – they can be theoretically divided into Seven categories:

1. Atheist/ Agnostic groups 
2. Non-theistic Religions – The belief or faith not in God or Gods, but in supreme enlightenment: (Example: Buddhism) 
3. Pantheistic Religions – The belief that God and nature are one: (Example: Taoism, Animism, etc.) 
4. Monotheistic Religions – The doctrine or belief that there is only one God: 
(Example: Sikhism and the Abrahamic religions: Christianity, Islam, Judaism, etc.) 
5. Dualistic Religions – The belief that there are only two opposing Gods or two interacting forces: (Example: Zoroastrianism/ Taoism Yin/ Yang etc.) 
6. Polytheistic Religions – The worship of or belief in many Gods or Goddesses: (Example: Hinduism, Shintoism, etc.) 
Polyreligiousity – Having beliefs in multiple religion simultaneously (Example: Chinese Folk Religion/ New Asian Religions that combine Confucianism/ Buddhism/ Shintoism)

M. Monotheistic Religions: It’s interesting to note that approximately 81% of the people on this earth 
believe in a God or many Gods (minus the 19% that are agnostics and atheists), and that 66% believe in one God.

For thousands of years, the Holy Scriptures in the Judaic and Christian Bible and in the Islamic Koran have taught that there is One God. The Bible teaches that Melchizedek is the mysterious Eternal and Royal High Priest and King of Peace of all monotheistic religions – of which all subsequent religions evolved. All are called to be part of the Holy Nation and Royal Priesthood. The Apostle Paul devoted a whole chapter in the Bible to comparing Jesus to Melchizedek – repeating that Jesus was a High Priest forever in the order of Melchizedek. Some believe that Melchizedek was the appearance on earth of the pre-incarnate Christ in a temporary bodily form.

The book of Isaiah 11:2 specifically identifies the Seven Spirits of God: “The Spirit of the LORD will rest on him – the Spirit of wisdom and of understanding, the Spirit of counsel and of power, the Spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the LORD.” This verse proclaims the seven spirits of God…(1) Spirit of the LORD, (2) Spirit of wisdom, (3) Spirit of understanding, (4) Spirit of counsel, (5) Spirit of power, (6) Spirit of knowledge, (7) Spirit of the fear of the Lord. The Bible teaches that their are Seven basic Gifts and Seven fruits of the Holy Spirit.  In the book of Romans we are called to be faithful to the gift given us.  Not everybody has the same gift, but God distributes the gifts among the body, that we may all have a part in building up the body.  In Romans 12:6-8, Paul lists the seven basic gifts.

In Islamic tradition, there are Seven Heavens, Seven fires in Hell, and Seven doors to hell. Below, I have listed the Seven Spirits of God, the Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit, and the Seven Fruits of the Holy Spirit with the Seven levels of Heaven according to the Jewish, Christian, and Islamic Holy Scriptures.

In the Judaism tradition, Seven is a highly spiritual number representing Godliness, and there are Seven days of passover, Seven days of purification, and the Seven branched candelabrum or Menorah.

N. Intelligences/ Vocational Interests: It’s also interesting to see a connection between Howard Gardner’s Seven Intelligences, the Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit, and John Holland’s vocational interest theory that teaches that most people are one of six personality types: realistic, enterprising, artistic, social, conventional, and investigative. 

Intelligences: 1. Kinesthetic (Body-Smart), 2. Intra-personal (Self-Smart), 3. Visual/ Spatial (Picture-Smart), 4. Interpersonal (People-Smart), 5. Logical/ Math (Logic-Smart), 6. Verbal/ Linguistic (Word-Smart), 7. Musical (Music-Smart)

Vocational Types: 1. Realistic, 2. Enterprising, 3. Artistic, 4. Social, 5. Conventional, 6. Investigative, 7. (Ministry – Not identified by John Holland).

O. Technology: There are Seven tools of Quality, Seven logic gates, Seven layers in the Open System Interconnection Reference Model’s (OSI) computer network design, Seven individual segments in the seven-segment electronic device display, and Seven classes of plastics.

Quality Tools: 1. Fishbone diagram, 2. Pareto chart, 3. Check sheet, 4. Control chart, 5. Flow chart, 6. Histogram, 7. Scatter diagram

Logic Gates: 1. NOT, 2. AND, 3. OR, 4. NAND, 5. XOR, 6. NOR, 7. XNOR

OSI Layers: 1. Physical, 2. Data link, 3. Network, 4. Transport, 5. Session, 6. Presentation, 7. Application

Electronic Segments: 1. A, 2. B, 3. C, 4. D, 5. E, 6. F, 7. G 
Plastics: 1. PET, 2. PE-HD, 3. PVC, 4. PE-LD, 5. PP, 6. PS, 7. O 

P. Philosophy: Based on the types of questions that it asked, Philosophy can be divided into Seven different groups. Below is a list of these groups with some related questions. Any possible list of answers to these and other questions within these categories can be called a ‘philosophy’.

1. Ontology – What is reality? 
2. Philosophy of mind/ religion – What is a mind / consciousness? Is there a God? 
3. Epistemology – What is knowledge? 
4. Ethics – What is right and wrong / What is good and bad? 
5. Aesthetics – What is beauty? 
6. Logic – What is truth? 
7. Anxiology – What has value? 

Q. Psychology: Many psychological approaches have been developed in an attempt to explain human behavior related to specific life-functioning dimensions, each emphasizing one aspect of personality or another.

Psychological Theories: 1. Behavioral, 2. Psychodynamic, 3. Social Learning, 4. Psycho-social, 5. Behavioral Economics, 6. Cognitive-behavioral, 7. Moral

Major Psychological Theorists: 1. B.F. Skinner, 2. Sigmund Freud, 3. Albert Bandura, 4. Eric Erikson, 5. Daniel Kahneman, 6. Aaron, Beck, 7. Lawrence Kohlberg

Psychological Needs: 1. Safety, 2. Enjoyment, 3. Power, 4. Love, 5. Expression, 6. Self-actualization, 7. Wholeness 

R. Medicine:Modern science has established that the human bodies’ systems (e.g., nervous, endocrine, immune, etc.), must all contribute to a homeostatic system.  The bodies systems work together to maintain a balanced environment or equilibrium. When we are are feeling sick, our life energy cannot flow in and out freely and the physical body may suffer from stress.  An unhealthy diet, lack of exercise, substance abuse, isolation from family and friends and disconnection from our higher power may all contribute to decreasing our energy levels and further contributing to our unhealthy conditions. A multi-dimensional system can be correlated with Seven levels of health, Seven Abnormalities, Seven Glands and the bodies organ systems.

Health: 1. Physical, 2. Self-regulation, 3. Occupational, 4. Social, 5. Financial, 6. Mental, 7. Spiritual

Abnormalities: 1. Physical Suffering, 2. Irrationality/ Unpredictability, 3. Maladaptiveness, 4. Socially disconnected, 5. Societal Violations, 6. Emotional deviancy, 7. Spiritually disconnected

Glands: 1. Adrenal, 2. Gonads, 3. Pancreas, 4. Thymus, 5. Thyroid, 6. Pituitary, 7. Pineal

Organ Systems: 1. Skeletal/ Skin, 2. Reproductive, 3. Gastrointestinal, 4. Cardiovascular, 5. Respiratory, 6. Nervous/ Endocrine, 7. Immune/ Lymph

Senses: 1. Smell, 2. Taste, 3. Vision, 4. Touch, 5. Hearing, 6. Individual Consciousness, 7. Universal Consciousness 

S. The Nobel Prize-winning biologist David Baltimore devised the Baltimore classification system comprised of Seven groups of viruses: 1. dsDNA viruses (e.g. Adenoviruses, Herpesviruses, Poxviruses), 2. ssDNA viruses (e.g. (+)sense DNA (e.g. Parvoviruses), 3. dsRNA viruses (e.g. Reoviruses), 4. (+)ssRNA viruses (+)sense RNA (e.g. Picornaviruses, Togaviruses), 5. (-)ssRNA viruses (-)sense RNA (e.g. Orthmyxoviruses, Rhabdoviruses), 6. ssRNA-RT viruses (+)sense RNA with DNA intermediate in life-cycle (e.g. Retroviruses), 7. dsDNA-RT viruses (e.g. Hepadnaviruses)

T. Biology: Biologists teach us that there are Seven life processes for all living things. The 7 life processes are: 1. Movement (Moving), 2. Reproduction, 3. Sensitivity (Touching and Tasting), 4. Nutrition (Food), 5. Excretion (Going to the toilet), 6. Respiration (sweating), 7. Growth (Growing).

U. Chemistry: The periodic table of the chemical elements is a tabular method of displaying the chemical elements. There are Seven periods, or horizontal rows of elements, in the periodic table.

V. Genetics: This may be trivial, but it was not the lethal – 5 or 6 micro RNA gene family discovery that 
launched the RNA revolution that changed the face of modern biology, but the let – 7 gene family. It is now known that RNA control the chemistry of life, regulate cellular and genetic processes throughout the human body, and are critical factors in the determination of health, disease and longevity. 

W. Public Health Model: There are Seven Dimensions to the Public Health Model: 1. Universal, 2. Selective, 3. Indicated, 4. Case Identification, 5. Standard Treatment for Known Disorders, 6. Compliance with Long-term Treatment (Goal: Reduction in Relapse and Recurrence), 7. Aftercare (including Rehabilitation)

X. 7 – Dimension Model: In 2005, the “Addictions Recovery Measurement System (ARMS),” was published – describing the following seven life-functioning therapeutic activity dimensions for progress outcome measurements.  Each of the seven dimensions is interrelated with the public health models’ focus on the individual within the psychosocial environment. The above series of sevens are also interrelated with the following Seven Energies, Abraham Maslow’s famous Hierarchical Pyramid of Needs, and our Seven senses (and you were taught that we only had five). We need to consider that some individuals are more in touch with their extra-sensory perceptions.

Life-functioning Dimensions: 1. Medical/ Physical, 2. Self-regulation/ Impulse-control, 3. Educational/ Occupational, 4. Social/ Cultural, 5. Financial/ Legal, 6. Mental/ Emotional, 7. Spiritual/ Religious

Y. 7 – Dimension Intervention: This 7 – Dimensional health and wellness outcome measure was further 
developed into an assessment and treatment process for stress management incorporating the following three screening instruments:

Guidelines for implementing a 7 Dimension Intervention

1. Start the interview with the “Open question” technique to elicit as much detailed information as possible from the client, prior to administering any questionnaires or checklists (Utilize reflective listening skills, etc.). 
2. Administer the ACE questions and calculate the ACE score. 
3. Administer the 7D – PSI and calculate scores. 
4. Administer the 7D – TAS and calculate scores and plot all scores on the Wheel of Life to visualize the diathesis levels, current psycho-social stressor levels, and the current efforts to decrease stress and build resiliency. 
5. Administer the “Stages of Change” question: On a scale of 1 to 10 – with 10 representing the highest motivation for change that you have at this time, how motivated are you?

Pre-contemplation Stage = 1 – 3 
Contemplation Stage = 4 – 5 
Preparation Stage = 6 – 7 
Action Stage = 8 – 9 
Maintenance Stage = 10

6. Provide a “Motivational Interviewing” session with your client discussing the “Stages of Change.” The brevity of this article does not allow for an overview of this session (Tomlin, K. & Richardson, H., 2004)

7. Develop a holistic multidimensional health and wellness plan and a comprehensive individualized treatment plan if necessary along with a case management and treatment monitoring system. 

Z. Alternative Medicine/ Energy Therapies: Considering that our bodies have over 70 trillion cells with electrical properties, much like that of a battery, and that they totally regenerate approximately every Seven years, we must be proactive in developing and sustaining a proactive individual health and wellness plan. It’s also interesting to note that different cultures/ countries have different names for the same energy or Life Force.

LifeForces: 1. Africa (Ashe), 2. Hawaiian (Mana), 3. India (Prana, 4. Greece (Pneuma, 5. China (Chi), 6. Japan (Ki), 7. Christianity (Holy Spirit)

In view of the above, the following 7 – Dimension Energy Therapies and therapeutic activities are recommended to maintain the Seven energy levels.

Energy Therapies: 1. Chiropractor/ Osteopath/ Herbal Medicine, 2. Therapeutic Massage/ Reflexology, 3. Art Therapies, 4. Dance Therapies, 5. Music/ Singing Therapies, 6. Acupuncture/ Electric Medicine (Alpha-Stim), 7. Light Therapies/ Meditation/ Prayer


It’s interesting to note that from the farthest reaches of the cosmos to the atomic structure of a single cell within the body, the same dimensions of form and mathematics apply. The secret to life is in these forms and numbers. So by studying anything in life, we can learn the basis of all life everywhere. Modern scientists are reaffirming the ancient wisdom observed in their world and taught in their myths: that a consistent multidimensional design underpins every level of the universe, from atoms to the galaxies. 

7 Dimension Theory of Everything: Considering that the basic fundamental building blocks of our Universe are based on 7 Dimensions and that health and wellness can be facilitated and mental and emotional healing can be enhanced by using alternative energy therapies, I propose the following to better organize the information in my world and to better manage my own life: 

1. Everything has a beginning and an end that transforms everything into a new beginning. 
2. Everything from the microcosm to the macrocosm is made of 7 dimensions of energy. 
3. Everything is connected to everything multi-dimensionally. 
4. Everything is communicating positive and negative messages with everything multi-dimensionally. 
5. Everything is maintained by a holistic, dynamically balanced system with a multidimensional semi-stable equilibrium force field of driving and restraining forces. 
6. Everything disrupts everything when the system is disrupted by an unbalanced system. 
Everything is in the process of restoring balance to everything.

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I also believe in synergy or the combined effects produced by two or more parts, elements or individuals that is a ubiquitous phenomenon in nature and human societies alike.

The 7 – Dimensional Law of Synergism

Whenever two or more dimensions are focused on simultaneously for a significant period of time and 
infinitesimally small, but positive incremental changes are made there is a positive synergistic effect 
(depending on the intensity of dark and/ or light energy manifested), that spiritually elevates and connects an individual’s multiple life functioning dimensions by reducing chaos and increasing resilience to bring an individual harmony, wellness, and productivity.

One last note:  I previously mentioned that it was not my intention to get into a theological debate on the existence of God in this article, but to initially put forth some background information that seemingly supports a 7- Dimension theory of everything. In light of the above, one must consider the possibility that the origin of the Universe could just be a random case of “Lucky Sevens.” If this is the case, then it would take more faith to believe in a God-less Big Bang – then it would to believe in divine intelligence.

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Dr. James Slobodzien
About the Author:

References: For more info see: http://www.7dimensions.net

James Slobodzien, Psy.D., CSAC, is a Hawaii licensed psychologist and certified substance abuse counselor who earned his doctorate in Clinical Psychology. He is credentialed by the National Registry of Health Service Providers in Psychology. He has over 25-years of mental health experience primarily working in the fields of alcohol/ substance abuse and behavioral addictions in hospital, prison, and court settings. He is an adjunct professor of Psychology and also maintains a private practice as a mental health consultant.


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Source:  http://www.articlesbase.com/self-help-articles/contemplating-a-7-dimension-theory-of-everything-1516981.html

Article Tags:
theory of everything, universe, god, chakras, evolution, holy spirit, 7 dimensions, synergism, energy therapies, life forces, classical planets, electromagnetic energies

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References: For more info see: http://www.7dimensions.net

James Slobodzien, Psy.D., CSAC, is a Hawaii licensed psychologist and certified substance abuse counselor who earned his doctorate in Clinical Psychology. He is credentialed by the National Registry of Health Service Providers in Psychology. He has over 25-years of mental health experience primarily working in the fields of alcohol/ substance abuse and behavioral addictions in hospital, prison, and court settings. He is an adjunct professor of Psychology and also maintains a private practice as a mental health consultant.

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CCleaner Registry Program ? Everything You Need to Know

CCleaner Registry Program – Everything You Need to Know

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Home Page > Computers > Software > CCleaner Registry Program – Everything You Need to Know

CCleaner Registry Program – Everything You Need to Know

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Posted: Jul 08, 2010 |Comments: 0



Over the years CCleaner has become the leading free utility application in cleaning Windows Registry. It offers fast and reliable service that can help improve computer’s performance in terms of speed and stability.


CCleaner provides a modern and user-friendly interface to allow users to conveniently navigate the application’s features. Among the useful features included in this program are registry back up, start up program management, add/remove program assistance, and exclusion.


The registry back up function provides users an easy way to create copy of the original files before resuming the scan and fix process. The saved file can help restore computer back to its last known good configuration in case something unexpected happens during registry cleaning.


Start up program management feature allows user to optimize start up time by modifying the line up of programs accessed during start up. Users may add or remove programs to help improve the start up time process.


Add/Remove program assistance supports registry maintenance process. One of the most active contributors of registry errors is flawed program set up or removal and by providing assistance on the process possible errors and problems is eliminated or if not reduced.


Exclusion feature is one of the latest functions included in the latest version of CCleaner. By using exclusion users are able to choose which folders and program to include. This process reduces risk of altering essential registry components and at the same time improving the speed of scanning procedures.


Aside from these useful features this program has also been improved to fit in a USB. This was developed to provide portable service to its users. The same complete powerful package in a thumb size container is all that a user will need to enjoy these services anytime anywhere.


All these features combined makes the CCleaner registry program preferable compared to others. The latest version of this product was further developed to support all 64-bit operating systems such as Windows XP, Vista and the latest product from Microsoft the Windows 7.


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South Pacific the Musical Has Everything a Theatre Fan Desires!

When two couples fall in love with each other during a war, history is created and so is South Pacific the musical! Based on a couple of short stories by James A. Michener in his Pulitzer Prize winning book “Tales of the South Pacific”, this musical is so powerful, you can’t ignore it!

Directed by Bartlett Sher and written by Oscar Hammerstein II and Joshua Logan,” South Pacific” is a tale of struggling love. It also speaks of the less spoken topics like racism. The songs like “Some Enchanted Evening”, “Balin Ha’i”, A Wonderful Guy”, and “Younger than Springtime” have spread their message across the world and have become archetypal.

This is one story that will move your mind, body and soul. As you step out of the theatre after watching the show, you’ll be compelled to think about the issues considered in it. “South Pacific” is no ordinary musical. Nor is it a simple love story. It’s a story that brings out the cruel realities of war and also depicts the effects of racism and prejudices.

South Pacific the musical that has created history on Broadway, is not just a stirring story, but is a collective endeavor of the creative team. The sets that make the story look real are designed by Michael Yeargan; the costumes that highlight each character in depth are created by Catherine Zuber; the terrific sounds that makes you feel that war is going on right here is given by Scott Lehrer; and the perfect lights that make each scene come alive are arranged by Donald Holder.

The star cast includes Mathew Morrison of the “Sex and the City” fame. He plays the lead role of Lt. Joe Cable. Morrison was also seen in the hit show “Hairspray” as Link Larkin. For his role in “A Light in the Piazza,” he was nominated for the Tony award.

The talented Kelli O’Hara can be seen in the lead role as Nellie Forbush. Kelli had won laurels for her role in “A Light in the Piazza” as well as “The Pajama Game” for which she got a Tony nomination.

A concert version of this musical was produced in 2005. Before that, a movie has also been inspired from it. Both gained much appreciation from the audience.

Once again, “South Pacific” has come to the town to conquer your heart and mind. The musical is scheduled to open at Vivian Beamont Theatre on April 4, 2008. All the theatre fans are waiting with bated breath to watch their favorites stars perform and to know whether love takes over war or vice versa.

So, don’t waste another minute! Tickets are getting booked in matter of seconds. If you delay, you lose. Rather than pushing your way to the box office, why not call a number and get your tickets delivered at the doorstep? Great idea!

Ticketing services have become a rage thanks to successful Broadway productions! For theatre fans like you, they are good news, as you don’t have to miss shows any more!

The author covers entertainment in New York City and writes many articles about South Pacific The Musical for his website. If interested in this revival musical visit his site for more great and informative South Pacific the Musical information.

The cast of the revival of South Pacific performs a medly of songs from their Tony Award winning production.
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